Saturday, May 4, 2013

Mothers Day

In exactly one week mothers day will give your day happiness. I have made some really awesome but easy presents, a bubble bath mixture and foot balm. It may not sound like much but it will go a long way.

Bubble bath has always been made for relaxing purposes, and I know my mum would love these, especially if they're homemade.

 Bubble Bath

1 cup shampoo
2 cups water
Some drops of lavender oil
Pink food dye
(you can always halve or third the recipe)
A bottle or old jam jar

Wash the bottle thoroughly, then mix the shampoo and water in a bowl. Pour this mixture into the jar or bottle using a funnel.
Add the food dye until the mixture becomes a perfect mix, and then put in the lavender oil. 
Shake the bottle for a bit then let it rest for one day. Wrap it carefully.

Foot Balm

2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
2-6 drops lavender oil

Simply mix together in a bowl and pour into labelled bottle or jar. Wrap in carefully.
 I hope you heart!


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