Thursday, May 30, 2013

Mr. Smith

Mr. Smith's are so adorable... I will never stop wanting these awesome shoes, they are so stylish! I'm in love!


Hope You Heart! 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Bucketfeet shoes

Vans and converse are both awesome, but Bucketfeet's have to be the best yet! These shoes are comfortable and stylish with their crazy patterns and colors... I love them too much!

 TOP LEFT atienza
 MIDDLE austin

Hope you Heart

Friday, May 24, 2013

Party time

The time has come for my mum to have a big party! She has always hated to be the center of attention . So we've decided to tell her that she has to at some time or another.
Our plans are eating curries and gulab jumuns all through the night outside with candles and lanterns. I have a feeling everyone will enjoy it.

This party is going to be so much fun!

have fun

Friday, May 10, 2013

Ombre Nails

Mothers day is tomorrow, and I have discovered over the years that my Mum has never been into facials or pedicures, and I have also discovered that it isn't the cost to get it done or that she has no time, it's because she doesn't like the places that they do these things at. So now, I have to be able to give my Mum a pedicure at home, which I'll do for her! Blog 25 has shown me this beautiful way of doing ombre nails, perfect for Mum!

Check out how to do it here.

Blog 25 has some beautiful stuff out, especially their Festival DIY Roundup posts.

Learn how to do all these here.


Saturday, May 4, 2013


Stanmore and Newtown have always interested me because of their little shops and gorgeous clothes. Pipstars happen to be one of those shops that I have to go into to see whats new in their stock, as well as monsterthreads and pretty dog.

Here are some of its handmade beauties.


 TOP LEFT ribbon
TOP RIGHT boom box
MIDDLE cushion
BOTTOM RIGHT gift tags

Mothers Day

In exactly one week mothers day will give your day happiness. I have made some really awesome but easy presents, a bubble bath mixture and foot balm. It may not sound like much but it will go a long way.

Bubble bath has always been made for relaxing purposes, and I know my mum would love these, especially if they're homemade.

 Bubble Bath

1 cup shampoo
2 cups water
Some drops of lavender oil
Pink food dye
(you can always halve or third the recipe)
A bottle or old jam jar

Wash the bottle thoroughly, then mix the shampoo and water in a bowl. Pour this mixture into the jar or bottle using a funnel.
Add the food dye until the mixture becomes a perfect mix, and then put in the lavender oil. 
Shake the bottle for a bit then let it rest for one day. Wrap it carefully.

Foot Balm

2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
2-6 drops lavender oil

Simply mix together in a bowl and pour into labelled bottle or jar. Wrap in carefully.
 I hope you heart!
