Saturday, September 29, 2012

Toffee Popcorn

 75 g popcorn 
2 tbsp sunflower oil 
40 g brown sugar
 2 tbsp golden syrup
40 g butter

Heat the oil in a large saucepan, sprinkle in the popcorn and swirl the pan to coat it evenly in oil. Cover with a tight-fitting lid; turn the heat down to low, and listen for popping noises. As soon as the popping quietens down, take it off the heat.
Meanwhile, melt the butter, add the brown sugar and golden syrup and stir over a high heat for 1-2 minutes.
 Tip the popcorn out of the saucepan and into a large bowl and pour the cooled toffee mix over it.
 Pour out into bowls, and serve, and eat.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Magazine cut-ups

Need a weekend project? Here's a task for you - why don't you make some cutlery tags / luggage tags using old cooking and gardening magazines? Glue some card on the back a punch a hole in the top and add some string. Easy as that!

Or make something like this using felt and a bit of card, have fun!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Chocolate truffles

Anyone for a chocolate truffle? These are absolutely delicious with pistachios and grated dark chocolate! Got the recipe from Cookbook for Girls. I changed it a bit.

You Will Need:
200g milk chocolate
100ml double cream
15g unsalted butter
A few drops of orange, vanilla or peppermint flavouring
Cocoa powder

Break the chocolate into small pieces in a bowl. Put the cream in a small saucepan with the butter and bring to the boil.
Immediately pour over the broken chocolate. Stir with a wooden spoon until all the mix has melted.
Stir in a few drops of orange or peppermint extract if using it. Cover and allow the mixture to cool for 30 minutes.
Chill in the refrigerator after that for about 2 hours. Use a teaspoon to scoop out bite-sized pieses. Sust your hands lightly with cocoa powder and roll into balls.
Immediately roll the truffles in nuts, coconut, or grated chocolate. Place into individual foil sweet cases and chill.
They will keep for up to 10 days.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Piano Accordion...

Sorry about being unable to blog for ages! I found this accordion at Raffen and Kelaher, a vintage bidding house, and won this accordion that works perfectly and is so awesome! Some photos...