Monday, December 24, 2012

Hush Puppies

Hi everyone - again! I've just bought some new shoes that I wore to a dinner and so many people fell in love with them! They are from Hush Puppies, and I thought that everyone might love them too.

And another thing from Typo - I heart it - 


Rainham Ruins

As I talked about in one of my posts - about 2 posts ago - this is the most beautiful place in the world...

 The thing that people never seem to realise about in old houses is that they need to be kept the same, though small changes are allowed, you can't change anything more.  Rainham has a river, a mountain, cows, a kangaroo called Skippy, a train line that has cute little steam trains nestled on it, and a house that needs to be kept.



Merry Christmas!

I just wanted to wish everyone a merry Christmas! I can't wait to blog in the new year (I will be blogging every now and then), and have a great Christmas!
By the way, Typo, the awesomestshop in all the world, must have lost so much of their stock because I've been getting Christmas presents from there...

My mouth is watering

The Mcfly Clock

Round The World Globe


Sunday, December 23, 2012

Peach and mint Christmas sorbet

1 day until Christmas! I'm sorry about the ultra long wait for the next post, I've just walked into the house after a long, fun, tiring and beautiful weekend in the country. We have bought an amazing old house from the 1830's (!) and it is right next to a ruin and a train track that always has pretty little train running down it.

 Now, onto the actual subject, this Christmas is going to be hot, 35 is the temp for the day, so here's a little treat to serve under the sun. The peach and mint sorbet has peach, mint and orange juice in it, though it sounds like a kids drink, it actually tastes quite alcoholic. It's still really nice!

8 ripe peaches
1/2 cup fresh orange juice
4 fresh chopped mint leaves
1/2 cup honey or less
2 tbsp sugar
1/2 cup water

Boil your peaches in water and simmer for 10 minutes. Once cool, add the sugar and the juice. Mix that mixture up in the blender and then add all the other ingredients.
If you don't have an ice cream maker, use a thin cooking tray to pour the mixture into and leave in the freezer for about 2 and a half hours. Once it's frozen, break it up into tiny pieces and blend in the blender for a second time and pour the thicker mixture into a plastic container and freeze for as long or as little as you want.

:) Hope you like (:

Friday, December 14, 2012

Wit and Whistle and DIY

Wit and Whistle have this very awesome to from stamp for your Christmas packages.

Quick! Buy it before Christmas or you'll have to use it next year!
 Talking about packages, here's some DIY for you. Do It Yourself wrapping paper.

A big roll of paper
A potato or two
Cookie cutters
A few paints

Simply cut your potato into 2 and cut, using your cookie cutter, through one of the halves. When you have cut through them completely, hold on to the top of the shape and dab it into the paint.
 Once you've done that, blob your shape - the panted side down, onto the paper and keep adding more paint onto the shape every time you use it.
Add glitter onto the top of the wet paint if you want and even stickers may stick.

But don't forget simple brown paper packages done up with coloured sticky tape and decorated with drawings!

Have fun and Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Christmas ice cubes

An almost merry Christmas to everyone! I thought you might enjoy some of these ice cubes in your champagne, water or fizzy, but these aren't just any ice cubes, make them out of rosemary, rasberries, mint, even daisy's.

It's really simple, all you need is an ice tray to slot into your freezer, and the things you want to put inside . Run water into the ice tray, and then drop the chosen things into the tops of each ice-slide and freeze until the next day.
 Have fun!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Once again, Your Eyes Lie

Sorry, I'm in love with Your eyes lie! These are their purple floral denim shorts.

Super awesome
Find from their website the perfect match. Hope you like them as much as I do!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Peace and joy Christmas cards

23 days until a boiling hot Christmas Day in Australia at the beach! The countdown has begun for us, and we're all waiting for the feast the most. Everyone needs one of these for their family cards, and here it is, and an almost merry Christmas to everyone!

Once you download this freebie, make sure print it out onto a piece of card in a coloured printer and cut. Have fun! :)

BTW, I got the idea from eat drink chic!