Sunday, May 13, 2012


Tintin comic books are so amazingly made! When you research how they are made, you find that so much effort is put into them. When I first started reading them, I found that, along with being funny, are greatly admired by millions of people around the world.I myself have started a collection of the books, but now they are harder to find because of the movie admiring more and more readers.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

My Paintings...

Here's my art lately- Still painting more but I haven't finished them yet.

Friday, May 11, 2012


 European Bee Eater!
 Rainbow Lorikeet!

Dog Rocks State Forest

Dog Rocks state forest is the best place to find skulls! I collect them every time I go to my holiday house, but it is being chopped down now for more wood and trees are to be planted in their place - so we weren't allowed in. Dog Rocks is an really big forest, sloping downwards the whole way, then it opens into a clearing at the bottom with wombats and kangaroo's, and you can see all of the Bunnamagoo vineyard. After trying to find a way into Dog Rocks, we gave up and went for the coldest swim ever imagined in a nearby creek. It was freezing!